This year’s confirmation class has been meeting since February 14,
and they have been working with Ann and Frank Aichinger and Josie Russell
in discussing aspects of the Christian faith in order to make a profession of
faith. This year’s class has been:
Lauren Eckley, mentored by Helen Scott
Madison Campbell, mentored by Lois Clarke
Nicholas Fuller, mentored by Randy Morris
Maddy Wilson, mentored by Mary Wampler
Alisa Harris, mentored by Niki McGrew
They were received by Profession of Faith by the session on May 15, and will be introduced on
Sunday, May 20.
My Faith Statement
Lauren Eckley
I believe that our God is the definition of
perfect. God cares about every aspect of our lives
because God is all about love. We, as God’s
children, know that our God is the reason for
anything and everything. Something I’ve always
believed is that everything happens for a reason. I
now know that the reason is Jesus. Jesus puts all of
the joy in my life. He’s blessed me with my amazing
family and friends, but he’s also blessed me with
every challenge I’ll ever face in my life. Jesus gives
me these challenges not to scare me, but to help me
grow in his trust and that is the biggest blessing of
The Holy Spirit is constantly at work in my
life through everything I do. Every decision, every hardship and every prayer, the
Holy Spirit is right there next to me, guiding me through the life he already has
planned out for me. That’s why I want to be a part of this church, to continue the
life God already has for me. This church is a way to build my relationship with God
because we are all here for the same purpose, that is to worship our Lord.
I learned a lot of amazing things during the past few months of Confirmation
Class. The most important lesson to me was that in the short run, we can mess up
God’s plan, but in the long run, God wins. God always wins. I feel so blessed to
have gone through Confirmation with Ann, Frank and my other amazing classmates.
I am so excited to become a part of Central Presbyterian and be active in the youth
My Faith Statement
Alisa Harris
This is what I believe. God is our
father, our creator, our teacher and someone
who sees the good in all of us. To me, God is
someone who motivates me to be the best
person I can be and he makes me feel safe to
know that he is there for me. I see God as the
most important person in our lives. I believe
God will always love me and he will forgive
me for my mistakes.
I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of
God. I believe that Jesus was God in human form and I believe he also loved
everyone and he set examples for other people. He came to teach us how to live and
how to treat others. Jesus said we should love God with all of our heart, soul, mind,
and strength. We are also supposed to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, and
those are some of the very important things he taught us. Jesus came to earth to
forgive us for our sin, and he did this by dying on the cross for us. Jesus has helped
me by teaching me that everything was going to be okay, and is always there when I
feel like I need to talk to someone.
The Holy Spirit is the part of God and Jesus that lives inside of me and it
helps me to know that they are here with me. The Holy Spirit gives you the sense
that when times are tough, someone is there for you. When I thought no one was
there for me and I was going through a tough time, I always felt like there was
someone there listening to me and helping me believe everything was going to be
The church is somewhere we all gather
together to rejoice and worship and the church
is not just the building. It is also the people
who are a part of the church. I want to attend
worship, Youth group and go to Montreat. I
also would like to explore other things to get
involved in.
My Faith Statement
Madison Campbell
I believe our God is a loving, kind, and
forgiving God. I believe that God is all powerful and
wise in all matters. Jesus Christ is the son of God. He
was sent down to earth to spread the word of God,
which he was persecuted for. He died on the cross so
that my sins may be forgiven. He rose again and sits
at the right hand of God in heaven.
When I was baptized, that was the moment I
received the Holy Spirit and accepted Christ as my
lord and savior. This is when I began my Christian
lifestyle. The church is not just a building, the church
is a place to come to worship and serve. I will take
my membership in the church seriously and strive to be a better Christian. I hope to
grow in my faith within the church and spread the word of God by my actions.
My Faith Statement
Maddy Wilson
I believe in a loving, understanding, and
accepting God. I believe he is the Creator of all things
and I will trust in Him. He has been with me and has
guided me through every aspect of my life while also
allowing me freewill to make my own decisions.
I believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, he
sets an example of how I should live and because of
his death, I have already been redeemed.
I believe the church is a family of support and
should provide a place for anyone to gather, to
worship, and to further my spiritual development.
My parents did not make me do this confirmation class, the Holy Spirit led me
to want to be a member of this church. The Holy Spirit has provided me with
comfort, strength, and guidance.
I look forward to serving Christ through the church and building my
relationship with God.
My Faith Statement
Nicholas (Nic) Fuller
For his full statement (17 pages), you may ask
Nic for your personal copy.
I believe that God is the creator of all
things and that everything comes to life through
him. God is a God full of love, grace and
forgiveness and is not quick to anger.
I believe that God sent his son, Jesus, into
the world not to condemn the world, but that the
world might be saved through him. I believe that
God calls on all of us to respond to his grace by
instructing us to live our lives according to the
teachings of Jesus. Because we acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior, that means
we should follow his most important commandment and that is to love God and to
love our neighbor. Because we love God, he gives us the gifts of the spirit, and
allows us to practice love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness and self-control. We can exercise those gifts by treating everyone with
love and compassion and by helping the vulnerable and the outcasts, by feeding the
hungry, helping the homeless, healing the sick, clothing the naked and by standing
up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. As Christians, we should live by
God’s will and not our own. We can do this by praying and by listening to what
God has to say, so that it depends on God’s will and not our own.